Morgan Jeggo

By Morgan Jeggo

Posted on 7th March 2024

As we commemorate International Women's Day, we take a moment to shine a spotlight on the remarkable women who play an integral role in making Yacht Week the incredible experience it is. From captains and skippers to hosts and crew members, these inspiring individuals embody strength, resilience, and unwavering determination as they navigate the high seas and create unforgettable memories for sailors from around the globe.

Let's talk to our ladies

Kayla : Skipper

Q: Favourite part of being a skipper?
A: 'Being able to work with all my best friends!'

Q: Why did you become a skipper?
A: 'I wanted to park boats and build rafts'

Q: Most memorable Yacht Week moment?
A: 'I have way too many great memories!'

Q: Any advice to women wanting to do Yacht Week?
A: 'Just do it. I promise you wont regret it. Yacht Week is one of the best things that has ever happened to me and i wouldn't be where i am today without it.'

Girl Power in Tahiti

Emma : Medic

Q: Favourite part of being a YW Medic
A: 'I have loved being TW medic. The role is the perfect balance of continuing to use my skills as a nurse and working with facilities around the globe. While living and working along side such a creative event team. I enjoy being part of a team that pulls off such a unique experience.'

Q: Why did you apply to be part of the YW team?
A: 'I started working for the yacht week in 2022 right after the peak of COVID. At the time i applied i had loved my job working in the ER however, i wanted to explore more options in different areas of healthcare. I found that the medic role was the perfect opportunity to see the world and learn a lot about medicine around the globe. I am forever grateful for that decision to try something new.'

Q: What woman has had the biggest impact on your life and how has she influenced you?
A: 'Easily my grandma had the biggest influence on me growing up. She was the perfect example of success in business, family and fun. She travelled the world her entire life while also managing to accomplish everything she intended to do. She inspired me to take more risks in life and that everyone is on their own timeline.'

Q: Most memorable YW moment?
A: 'My most memorable moment of yacht week was in Turkey 2023. The DJ's played piano man with a slew of other classic nostalgia songs. Everyone, guests and staff included formed a circle, swaying and singing together while some of the best humans grabbed their partners and danced in the center . It was just such a pure lovely moment that i will remember forever. Everyone got so close that week and it was the epitome of what the best yacht weeks look like.'

Q: Any Advice to women wanting to work with Yacht Week ?
A: 'TYW is a great place to start fresh and find amazing people with common interest. My best advise would be to come in and absorb as much information from the people that surround you. Staff and guests alike all have such unique and interesting background, the connections you make here will last you forever.'

Cash : Skipper (& ex-host)

Q: Favourite part of being a skipper?
A: 'Being up on deck all day enjoying the sunshine and getting the big white flappy things filled with the sea breeze.'

Q: Why did I become a skipper?
A: 'I was toying with the idea of becoming a skipper prior to yacht week. I love travelling so the yachting industry is the perfect way to travel and earn at the same time so i decided I really want to make a career from this. After a summer as a host I went to Australia  to get my yacht master offshore and then returning to Croatia for academy. It’s really empowering to thrive as a female skipper in a male dominated industry and to inspire other ladies to do the same!'

Q: Most embarrassing story?
A: 'Don’t have any 😏'

Q: Any advice for women to work for Yacht Week?
A: 'DO IT! YW is an amazing community of likeminded people, we really are one big dysfunctional family. We all look out for each other! It's really nice how supportive Yacht Week are!'

Sharing the love

Georgia : Event Manager

Q: Favourite part of being an event manager?
A: 'Being able to create memorable experiences for all our guests; whether that’s insane parties or beautiful yoga sessions by the ocean, we try to make every interaction with the guests memorable.'

Q: Why did you become a YW event manager?
A: 'I interned for 3 years so it felt like a natural progression, however I felt inspired by the women who had led before me to step into the role.'

Q: Most embarrassing or memorable moment ?
A: 'There are too many memorable moments, but a stand out one to me is from Drumcode 2023. We did a surprise set for the guests in a hidden pop up location. About 15 minutes before the party kick off time the heavens opened and down poured one of the most intense storms we’d ever experienced. People still on the raft had to remain there as it wasn’t safe for dinghy’s to be in the water, those on the island couldn’t go back but we also couldn’t party. We were all soaked to the core. There was a moment it was very touch and go as to whether this surprise set that we’d planned for for so long and been excited to share with guests would be able to go ahead, but then the weather cleared up and we had the most insane party into the night. Adam Beyer came on and the whole vibe transformed into a real boiler room style set up, guests surrounded the decks from all angles and it just felt like the most incredible niche experience for these 200 people on the side of this remote island on a Tuesday night, very very cool.'

Q: What woman has had the biggest impact on your life and how has she influenced you?
A: 'Easily my mum, life has thrown so much at her and she’s hands down the most resilient person I know, she’s also encouraged my travels and crazy adventures even when she doesn’t understand them.'

Q: Any advice to women wanting to work with Yacht Week ?
A: 'Even though it feels like a very male dominated industry, don’t be afraid to assert yourself and take up space within it. Everyone is so supportive and a tight knit family, it’s a beautiful thing to be a part of.'

Jamison : Host

Q: Favourite part of being a host?
A: 'The people !! Whether it’s the fellow skippers and hosts or our amazing guests, the people are what make this job so special.'

Q: Why did you become a host?
A: 'A bad breakup led me to look into taking a yacht week vacation and instead when I saw they were hiring I thought to myself “why wouldn’t I do that?" '

Q: What woman has had the biggest impact on your life and how has she influenced you?
A: 'Definitely my mom. She is one of the strongest people I know and always leads with kindness.'

Q:Any advice to women wanting to work with Yacht Week?
A: 'Absolutely do it!! Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. Ask lots of questions and leverage the amazing and knowledgeable support team of skippers and hosts! This is an opportunity like no other and it would be a shame to miss out!'

These are just a few of the incredible women who make Yacht Week the unforgettable adventure that it is. On International Women's Day, we celebrate their strength, resilience, and unwavering commitment to excellence, and we thank them for their invaluable contributions to the Yacht Week community. Here's to the women of Yacht Week—may your sails be full, your seas be calm, and your adventures be endless.

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